Thoseghar Waterfall

Thoseghar Waterfall:

This is one of the best place to visit in rainy season and after that.You can see 2-3 waterfalls there.
This place is around 20 km from satara city.

Route from Pune/Mumbai:
From Mumbai -> pune -> Katraj -> Shirwal -> check for satara exit on the right-> Go inside Satara -> Ask for Sajjangad road
You will reach near a tunnel.The road on right goes to kaas plateau.

The road on the left through the tunnel goes to Thoseghar waterfalls and Chalkewadi windmill farms.



Best time to visit
During the months of July, August and September.

Other places to visit:

  1. Sajjangad
  2. Bamnoli village for boating in Shivsagar (Koyna) Lake (10 km ahead from Kas)
  3. Chalkewadi windmills

Thinks to remember:

  • Best time to visit in rainy season till october.
  • In rainy season you can expect crowd so better plan your spots.

Help us Improve:

  • Please help us improve content of page by suggesting what you expect more.

Kaas Plateau Satara

Kaas Plateau:
The Kaas Plateau is around 23 kilometers from Satara city. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, were you can see a wide variety of flowers – more than 800 different species – during the months of  August and September.

Official website:

Route from Pune/Mumbai:
From Mumbai -> pune -> Katraj -> Shirwal -> check for satara exit on the right-> Go inside Satara -> Ask for kaas road
You will reach near a tunnel.The road on right goes to kaas plateau.This road steadily climbs and reaches a plateau. After driving for around 15-20 kilometres, you will come to a wide plateau.

The road on the left through the tunnel goes to Thoseghar waterfalls and Chalkewadi windmill farms.



Thoseghar & Sajjangad road


Best time to visit:
During the months of August and September.

1. Go to website

2. Scroll below where there is form to register by paying Rs.50 per person on weekdays and Rs.100 per person on Saturday/Sunday and govt holidays.



  • Leave early in the morning to reach early to avoid traffic.
  • Leave early to avoid parking problem.

Kaas Plateau latest photos/ Kaas September 2016

kaas3 kaas2 Kaas1

Some Heath tips for long life

१०० वर्षे निरोगी जगण्याचा मंत्र हे सर्व पाळल्यास आजारपणापासुन दूर राहु आणि सतत तरुण व निरोगी राहण्याचा अनुभव घेवु

प्रामुख्याने शरीरात तिन प्रकारचे दोष असतात
१) वात २) पित्त ३) कफ
वरील दोष समप्रमाणात ठेवणे यालाच आयुर्वेद म्हणतात .यामध्ये बिघाड झाला की आपल्याला त्या दोषाचा आजार होतो. यावर उपाय म्हणजे आपली जीवनशैली थोड़ी बदलली की आपल्याला त्याचे चांगले परिणाम अनुभवायला मिळतात
आपण नुसते बोलतो की जुने लोक जास्त वर्ष जग़ायचे पण आपण हे कधी पाहिले नाही की ते लोक एवढे वर्ष तंदुरुस्त कसे जगायचे ?

*त्यासाठी हे वाचुन कृतीत आणा,
१) सकाळी लवकर उठावे म्हणजे ब्रह्ममुहूर्तावर ४.३० ते ५.०० यावेळेत उठावे.
२) दात घासण्याआधी कोमट पाणी हळुवारपणे प्यावे म्हणजे तोंडातील सर्व लाळ पोटात जावी याप्रमाणे १- ३ ग्लास पाणी खाली बसुनच प्यावे. (अनेक रोग दूर होतात)
३) पाणी पिल्यावर पोटावर दाब पडतो आणि प्रातः विधि करुन घ्यावा.
४) त्यानंतर दात घासावे त्यामध्ये कडु निंबाची काडी,आंब्याची काड़ी, करंजेची काड़ी, बाभळीची काड़ी ई. किंवा कोणतेही स्वदेशी दंतमंजन किवा पेस्ट वापरु शकता. (पंचगव्य दंतमंजन)
दंत रोग दूर राहतात
५) नंतर अंघोळ करावी शक्यतो थंड पाणी किंवा कोमट पाणी वापरावे. अंघोळ करताना गरम पानी कधीच वापरु नये.
६) सकाळी ७.३० ते ९.३० च्या दरम्यान जठराग्नि सर्वात तेज असतो त्यावेळी पोट भरून जेवण करावे. जमीनीवर मांडी घालून बसुन शांतचित्ताने जेवणे आदर्श. (अन्न पचन उत्तम होते)
जेवण नेहमी सूर्याच्या उपस्थितीतच करावे.
७) जेवणाच्या अगोदर ४५मिनीट आणि जेवणानंतर १ तासाने पाणी प्यावे.जेवताना एक ते दोन घोट पाणी प्यायला हरकत नाही.
८) सकाळी फळांचा ज्युस प्या, दुपारी दही ताक किंवा मठ्ठा प्या, आणि झोपताना देशी गाईचे दूध देशी गाईचे तुप व हळद टाकुन प्या.
९) नेहमी पाणी पिताना हळुवार व खाली बसूनच घोट घोट पाणी प्यावे उभे राहून, गड़बडीने पाणी पिवु नये.
(शरीराला दररोज लाळेची गरज असते जेवताना थोड़ी लाळ पोटात जाते आणि बाकीची लाळ आपल्याला पाण्यातुनच शरीरात घालवावी लागते त्यासाठी पाणी घोट घोट करूनच प्या तसे केल्यास बरेच आजार दूर राहतात )
१०) नेहमी जेवण केल्यावर १० ते १५ मिनिट वज्रासनात बसावे. दुपारी जेवण केले की वामकुक्षी (२० मिनीट झोपावे) घ्यावी. आणि संध्याकाळी जेवण केल्यावर ३तास झोपु नये व शतपावली करावी.
११) अॅल्युमिनियमच्या भांड्यातील भोजन तसेच पाणी कधीच पिवु नये व काहीही खावु नये. अॅल्युमिनियम मधे बनवलेले जेवण करणे म्हणजे विष प्राशन करणे होय .
१२) भोजन करतांना नेहमी मातीच्या भांड्यांचा वापर करावा त्याबरोबर तांब्या,पितळाची भांडी पण वापरु शकतो.थोडक्यात ज्याचा वितळबिन्दु जास्त आहे अशीच भांडी वापरा.
१३) झोपताना नेहमी आकाशाकडे डोळे असावे असेच झोपावे आणि जमिनीशी जेवढा संपर्क तेवढे चांगले
१४) मैदा,डालडा,वनस्पती तेल, पामतेल, बेकरीचे पदार्थ अजिबातच खावु नयेत.
फिल्टर तेलच वापरा (रिफाईंड तेल विष आहे)
१५) सेंन्द्रिय गुळाचा वापर करावा (साखरेत गंधक असल्यामुळे विष आहे)
१६) पचन लवकर होण्यासाठी जेवणानंतर थोडासा गुळ खावा.
१७) जेवण बनवण्यासाठी फक्त सेंधा मीठ वापरा. (समुद्री मीठ वैद्यकीय सल्लानेच घ्यावे)
१८) कमीत कमी ६ ते ७ तास झोप आरोग्यासाठी पुरेशी आहे.
१९) दररोज एक तास प्राणायाम, १५ मिनीट योगासने, व जेवढे जमेल तेवढे सूर्यनमस्कार करणे.
२०) प्राणायाम मात्र नियमित करणेच
२१) रोज न चुकता एक आवळा किंवा आवळ्याचा रस प्यावा तसेच दुधी भोपळा, गाजर, बिट, मुळा, काकड़ी,कोबी यांचा वापर करावा
२२) जास्त वेळ पाय सोडून बसणे टाळावे, जास्त वेळ उभे राहणे, जास्त वेळ ड्रायव्हिंग करणे टाळावे. त्यापेक्षा जास्त वेळ मांडी घालून बसावे,उकड़ु बसावे, ज्यामुळे आपले मणके व सांधे चांगले राहतील
२३) भारतीय रस म्हणजे उसाचा रस,कोकम सरबत,आवळा रस, लिंबु सरबत, फळांचा ज्युस हेच आपल्या शरीराला उत्तम पोषक आहेत.
२४) भारतीय पोशाख घाला व तो सैल असावा, जास्त फिट टाईट नसावा. व शक्यतो पांढराच असावा.
२५) शरीराचे हे वेग आले की त्यांना रोखु नये. जर रोखले तर शरीरामध्ये ८४ प्रकारच्या व्याधि निर्माण होतात.
लघवीला आली की थांबवु नये, बसुनच लघवी करावी, अश्रु बाहेर येवु द्यावेत, वीर्याला थांबवु नये. रडायला आले तर ऱडावेच, हसायला आले की भरपुर हसावे, जांभई आली की द्यावीच, शिंक आली की बिनधास्त द्यावी ,अपानवायु आला की तसाच बाहेर येऊ द्यावा, संडास आली की थांबवु नये,
२६) कफ कधीच गिळु नये.

How to get website in google search result

Google search engine:

Google is a search engine that go through each website and collects information about it and stores it in database.
Then google search algorithm decides which page is most relevant for searched text and displays it first and so on.

Search Engine Result page consist of 3 sections:
1. Text ads that relates to word.
2. Right hand column again contains text ads
3. Actual listing of web page.

Adding your website to google so that google SEO displays it:

  1. First check whether your site is already indexed by google or not.
  2. For that type – into google search box.
  3. If google lists your website pages then it is already indexed and it will continue to do it.
  4. If not then submit it here takes 8-10 days for google to index it.

How to improve the ranking of your website in google search:

  1. First option is pay to google for ads and they show your website on top.
  2. There are multiple factors that google take into it:
    • Keywords used in your content
    • How many other sites refers your site
    • Age and expiry of domain
    • Website url structure
      • eg. is better than
    • Internal Link Structure of website – should be easy to navigate
    • Outbound Links
    • Bounce Rate should be less

There are few more parameters to be added.



How to pay MSEB bill online

First thing you need to do is register your account and then you can pay the MSEB bill online and also keep track of bill history.

  1. Go to MSEB website
  2. msebMain
  3. Click on New User registration link in left panel
  4. Below form will open:
  5. msebregistraction
  6. msebreg2
  7. Enter details like Consumer Type, Consumer number, BU (Billing Unit). This information is available on your MSEB bill.
  8. Enter all the mandatory fields (*)
  9. Enter and remember Login Name
    Enter password & confirm it by re-entering it.
  10. Click Submit

Adding connection to your account:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. addconnectiontoacc
  3. You will see add connection to my account section.
  4. Select the consumer type, from the Consumer Type drop-down list.
  5. Enter the consumer number in the Consumer Number field.
  6. Select the BU (Billing Unit) from the BU drop-down list.
  7. Click Add to add the consumer number to your account. The consumer number is displayed in My Account screen.

How to pay electricity Bill:

  1. Login to your account
  2. You will see connections added.
  3. Select a consumer number by clicking radio button in front of it for which you want to make an online payment.
  4. Click Payment. The Make Payment screen is displayed.
  5. MsebMakepay1
  6. msebMakePay2
  7. Enter mobile number and tick check box.
  8. Click Pay now
  9. You will be taken to another screen where u need to select Payment option and do the payment.

Another option without creating account:

  1. Go to website
  2. Enter consumer Type, Consumer number and BU
  3. Click Submit
  4. Result will be displayed below in grid
  5. Select consumer account and click make payment button.

How to get EPF balance

EPF stands for Employee’s provident Fund.  There is website which provides you details about EPF balance and it is maintained by Employee’s provident fund organisation, india.

Different ways to get EPF balance online:

  1. EPF Missed Call Service (give a missed call on 01122901406)
  2. Know EPF Balance Through SMS
  3. EPF Mobile APP
  4. Check PF Balance Through UAN

How to get EPF balance online:

Click on Site below:


  1. Click the below link “Click here to know your PF balance” on page.
  2. Select your state
  3. Select your Office. You will be taken to next form.
  4. Enter Details below:
    • Enter your PF account number. It is available on payslip
    • EnterName
    • Mobile Number
  5. Tick I Agree and click submit.
  6. You will receive SMS shortly.

EPF screens for references:

EPF Form 1:


EPF Form 2:


EPF Form 3:


EPF balance using Missed Call Service:

  • Customers who want to know their total PF balance can just give a missed call on 01122901406 from their registered mobile numbers. Post that the customers will get an SMS alert immediately.

Other details to be continued…

Rajgad Fort

Rajgad Fort:
Rajgad was earlier called Murumdev fort, it was capital of the Maratha Empire during the rule of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj for almost 26 years, after which he moved the capital to Raigad Fort.

The distance of Rajgad fort is around 60km from Pune and 210 km from Mumbai.




1,400 m (4,600 ft) above sea level.

Best season:
Starting in mid August which continues uptill mid-January

Difficulty Level:

There are many different ways to reach Rajgad;

1.From Gunjawane village
2.From Pali village
3. From Bhutonde village ( Bhor route)

One of the most frequently trekked routes is from Gunjavane Village via the Chor Darwaja to Padmavati Machi which takes around 2.5 hours.
It takes around 3- 3.5  hrs for begineers

What to see:
Sanjeevani machee
Padmavatee machee
Suvela machee
Pali Darwaja
Padmavati temple
Torna fort view

Things to carry:

How to reach:
Bus service


Stay / Food Option:

How to become Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer

Indian Foreign Service:

The Indian Foreign Service is the administrative diplomatic civil service under Group A and Group B of the Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government of India. It is one of the two premier Civil Services (other being IAS) as appointment to IFS renders a person ineligible to reappear in Civil Services Examination.
It is a Central Civil service as Foreign policy is the subject matter and prerogative of Union Government.
The Ambassador, High Commissioner, Consul General, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations and Foreign Secretary are some of the offices held by the members of this service.
The Indian Foreign Service holds the distinction of giving India its- President, Vice President, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Foreign Minister and many distinguished Statesmen in past and present.

The service is entrusted to conduct diplomacy and manage foreign relations of India.It is the body of career diplomats serving in more than 180 Indian Diplomatic Missions and International Organisations around the world. In addition, they serve at the headquarters of the Ministry of External affairs in Delhi and the Prime Minister’s Office. They also head the Regional Passport Offices throughout the country and hold positions in the President’s Secretariat and several ministries. Foreign Secretary of India is the administrative head of the Indian Foreign Service.

IFS was created by the Government of India in October 1946 through a Cabinet note but its roots can be traced back to the British Raj when the Foreign Department was created to conduct business with the “Foreign European Powers”.IFS Day is celebrated on October 9 every year since 2011 to commemorate the day the Indian Cabinet created the IFS.

To become IFS officer you need to pass UPSC Civil Service Exam.
The UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of 3 stages and they are Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Personality Test/Interview.

UPSC Exam details:

The competitive examination comprises two successive stages:
I. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination; and
II. Civil Services (Main) Examination

For details click

For IFS a candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit:
Age must be between 21 to 30 for General category.
Candidates of SC/ST and OBC will get extra age 5 and 3 years respectively.


On acceptance to the Foreign Service, new entrants undergo significant training. The entrants undergo a probationary period (and are referred to as Officer Trainees). Training begins at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration in Mussoorie, where members of many elite Indian civil services are trained.

After completing a 15-week training Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, the probationers join the Foreign Service Institute in New Delhi for a more intensive training in a host of subjects important to diplomacy, including international relations theory, trade, India’s Foreign Policy, History, International Law, diplomatic practice, hospitality, protocol and administration. They also go on attachments with different government bodies and defense establishments and undertake tours both in India and abroad. The entire training programme lasts for a period of 36 months

Upon the completion of the training programme at the Institute, the officer is assigned a compulsory foreign language (CFL)

Career and rank structure

The hierarchy in foreign service
At an embassy: in ascending order of rank
Third Secretary (entry level)
Second Secretary (promotion upon being confirmed in service)
First Secretary
Deputy Chief of Mission/Deputy High Commissioner/Deputy Permanent Representative
Ambassador/High Commissioner/Permanent Representative

At the Ministry of External Affairs: in ascending order of rank
Assistant Secretary/Under Secretary
Deputy Secretary
Joint Secretary
Additional Secretary
Foreign Secretary of India (India’s Top Diplomat, Administrative Head of the Indian Foreign Service & Foreign Service Board)



How to become Indian Revenue Service Officer

Indian Revenue Service

The Indian Revenue Service (IRS), is the administrative revenue service of the Central Civil Services of the Government of India.
It is the largest Group A Central Service among st the organised civil services in the Government of India.
The Service functions under the Department of Revenue in the Union Ministry of Finance and is concerned with the collection and administration of the various direct and indirect taxes accruing to the Union Government.

IRS comprises two branches – IRS and IRS (Customs and Central Excise), which are controlled by two separate statutory bodies, viz., Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) respectively.
IRS serves the nation through discharging one of the most important sovereign functions i.e., collection of revenue for development, security and governance.

The procedure for becoming IRS Officer is the same as that of being IAS. It is just the difference about rank and preferred service cadre to choose for the different fields offered by the UPSC.

To become IRS officer you need to pass UPSC Civil Service Exam.
The UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of 3 stages and they are Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Personality Test/Interview.

UPSC Exam details:

The competitive examination comprises two successive stages:
I. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination; and
II. Civil Services (Main) Examination

For details click

For IRS a candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit:
Age must be between 21 to 30 for General category.
Candidates of SC/ST and OBC will get extra age 5 and 3 years respectively.

Level and Rank:

  • Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax / Entry-level (Probationer)
  • Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Under Secretary to Government of India
  • Joint Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Deputy Secretary to Government of India
  • Additional Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Director to Government of India
  • Commissioner of Income Tax/Additional Director General (Equivalent to) Joint Secretary to Government of India
  • Principal Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Additional Secretary to Government of India
  • Chief Commissioner/Director General (Equivalent to) Additional Secretary to Government of India
  • Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Special Secretary to Government of India
  • CBDT Chairman/Member CBDT/DG Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (Equivalent to) Secretary to Government of India