How to pay MSEB bill online

First thing you need to do is register your account and then you can pay the MSEB bill online and also keep track of bill history.

  1. Go to MSEB website
  2. msebMain
  3. Click on New User registration link in left panel
  4. Below form will open:
  5. msebregistraction
  6. msebreg2
  7. Enter details like Consumer Type, Consumer number, BU (Billing Unit). This information is available on your MSEB bill.
  8. Enter all the mandatory fields (*)
  9. Enter and remember Login Name
    Enter password & confirm it by re-entering it.
  10. Click Submit

Adding connection to your account:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. addconnectiontoacc
  3. You will see add connection to my account section.
  4. Select the consumer type, from the Consumer Type drop-down list.
  5. Enter the consumer number in the Consumer Number field.
  6. Select the BU (Billing Unit) from the BU drop-down list.
  7. Click Add to add the consumer number to your account. The consumer number is displayed in My Account screen.

How to pay electricity Bill:

  1. Login to your account
  2. You will see connections added.
  3. Select a consumer number by clicking radio button in front of it for which you want to make an online payment.
  4. Click Payment. The Make Payment screen is displayed.
  5. MsebMakepay1
  6. msebMakePay2
  7. Enter mobile number and tick check box.
  8. Click Pay now
  9. You will be taken to another screen where u need to select Payment option and do the payment.

Another option without creating account:

  1. Go to website
  2. Enter consumer Type, Consumer number and BU
  3. Click Submit
  4. Result will be displayed below in grid
  5. Select consumer account and click make payment button.