Railway Ticket Collector:
Railway Ticket Collector is a group C level post in railway service and eligibility for this post is at least passed 10th standard.
Railway Ticket Collector most commonly known as TC or TTE (Travelling Ticket Examiner)is one among the front line staff of Indian Railways having a first level interface with the passengers.
The minimum educational qualification needed for the post of ticket collector is 10th class pass with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized central or state board. Those who have completed their diploma or 12th class can also apply for the same. Graduates are also qualified for this post provided they are not above the specified age limits.
Age Limit:
The age limit of the candidate must be 18-45 years. Age relaxation is provided for reserved categories like SC/ST and OBC candidates.
How to Apply:
The recruitment to the post of ticket collector is done through Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB)
So to be a ticket collector, one has to apply and appear for the competitive examination in General Knowledge, Aptitude, Mathematics and General English.
On the basis of performance in the written exam, candidates will be called for personal interview. On selection, they will receive a short training of about one month, laid down by zonal railways. During the training period, they will get a stipend.
Details of exam to be added….