How to become Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer

Indian Foreign Service:

The Indian Foreign Service is the administrative diplomatic civil service under Group A and Group B of the Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government of India. It is one of the two premier Civil Services (other being IAS) as appointment to IFS renders a person ineligible to reappear in Civil Services Examination.
It is a Central Civil service as Foreign policy is the subject matter and prerogative of Union Government.
The Ambassador, High Commissioner, Consul General, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations and Foreign Secretary are some of the offices held by the members of this service.
The Indian Foreign Service holds the distinction of giving India its- President, Vice President, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Foreign Minister and many distinguished Statesmen in past and present.

The service is entrusted to conduct diplomacy and manage foreign relations of India.It is the body of career diplomats serving in more than 180 Indian Diplomatic Missions and International Organisations around the world. In addition, they serve at the headquarters of the Ministry of External affairs in Delhi and the Prime Minister’s Office. They also head the Regional Passport Offices throughout the country and hold positions in the President’s Secretariat and several ministries. Foreign Secretary of India is the administrative head of the Indian Foreign Service.

IFS was created by the Government of India in October 1946 through a Cabinet note but its roots can be traced back to the British Raj when the Foreign Department was created to conduct business with the “Foreign European Powers”.IFS Day is celebrated on October 9 every year since 2011 to commemorate the day the Indian Cabinet created the IFS.

To become IFS officer you need to pass UPSC Civil Service Exam.
The UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of 3 stages and they are Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Personality Test/Interview.

UPSC Exam details:

The competitive examination comprises two successive stages:
I. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination; and
II. Civil Services (Main) Examination

For details click

For IFS a candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit:
Age must be between 21 to 30 for General category.
Candidates of SC/ST and OBC will get extra age 5 and 3 years respectively.


On acceptance to the Foreign Service, new entrants undergo significant training. The entrants undergo a probationary period (and are referred to as Officer Trainees). Training begins at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration in Mussoorie, where members of many elite Indian civil services are trained.

After completing a 15-week training Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, the probationers join the Foreign Service Institute in New Delhi for a more intensive training in a host of subjects important to diplomacy, including international relations theory, trade, India’s Foreign Policy, History, International Law, diplomatic practice, hospitality, protocol and administration. They also go on attachments with different government bodies and defense establishments and undertake tours both in India and abroad. The entire training programme lasts for a period of 36 months

Upon the completion of the training programme at the Institute, the officer is assigned a compulsory foreign language (CFL)

Career and rank structure

The hierarchy in foreign service
At an embassy: in ascending order of rank
Third Secretary (entry level)
Second Secretary (promotion upon being confirmed in service)
First Secretary
Deputy Chief of Mission/Deputy High Commissioner/Deputy Permanent Representative
Ambassador/High Commissioner/Permanent Representative

At the Ministry of External Affairs: in ascending order of rank
Assistant Secretary/Under Secretary
Deputy Secretary
Joint Secretary
Additional Secretary
Foreign Secretary of India (India’s Top Diplomat, Administrative Head of the Indian Foreign Service & Foreign Service Board)



How to become Indian Revenue Service Officer

Indian Revenue Service

The Indian Revenue Service (IRS), is the administrative revenue service of the Central Civil Services of the Government of India.
It is the largest Group A Central Service among st the organised civil services in the Government of India.
The Service functions under the Department of Revenue in the Union Ministry of Finance and is concerned with the collection and administration of the various direct and indirect taxes accruing to the Union Government.

IRS comprises two branches – IRS and IRS (Customs and Central Excise), which are controlled by two separate statutory bodies, viz., Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) respectively.
IRS serves the nation through discharging one of the most important sovereign functions i.e., collection of revenue for development, security and governance.

The procedure for becoming IRS Officer is the same as that of being IAS. It is just the difference about rank and preferred service cadre to choose for the different fields offered by the UPSC.

To become IRS officer you need to pass UPSC Civil Service Exam.
The UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of 3 stages and they are Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Personality Test/Interview.

UPSC Exam details:

The competitive examination comprises two successive stages:
I. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination; and
II. Civil Services (Main) Examination

For details click

For IRS a candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit:
Age must be between 21 to 30 for General category.
Candidates of SC/ST and OBC will get extra age 5 and 3 years respectively.

Level and Rank:

  • Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax / Entry-level (Probationer)
  • Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Under Secretary to Government of India
  • Joint Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Deputy Secretary to Government of India
  • Additional Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Director to Government of India
  • Commissioner of Income Tax/Additional Director General (Equivalent to) Joint Secretary to Government of India
  • Principal Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Additional Secretary to Government of India
  • Chief Commissioner/Director General (Equivalent to) Additional Secretary to Government of India
  • Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (Equivalent to) Special Secretary to Government of India
  • CBDT Chairman/Member CBDT/DG Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (Equivalent to) Secretary to Government of India


How to become IPS officer?

Indian Police Service (IPS):
The Indian Police Service (IPS), is one of the three All India Services of the Government of India.It has replaced the Indian (Imperial) Police in 1948, a year after India gained independence from Britain.

To become IPS officer you need to pass UPSC Civil Service Exam.
The UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of 3 stages and they are Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Personality Test/Interview.

UPSC Exam details:

The competitive examination comprises two successive stages:
I. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination; and
II. Civil Services (Main) Examination

For details click

For IPS a candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age Limit:
Age must be between 21 to 30 for General category.
Candidates of SC/ST and OBC will get extra age 5 and 3 years respectively.

Physical Standards:
Minimum height for Males 165 cm, Females-150 cmfor General Category Candidates.
Other than General Category Candidates 160 cm for Male and 145 cm for Female Candidates for Minimum Height require
Chest Males Minimum 84 cm, Should be expandable up to 5 cm
Chest Females 79 cm Should be expandable up to 5 cm.

Ranks of the IPS:
All State Police Services officers of and above the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) or Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in State Police and Metropolitan Police forces respectively.

  • Director, Intelligence Bureau (Government of India)
  • Commissioners of Police (State) or Director Generals of Police, States and territories of India
  • Joint Commissioners of Police or Inspector-Generals of Police, States and territories of India
  • Additional Commissioners of Police or Deputy Inspector Generals of Police, States and territories of India
  • Deputy Commissioner of Police (Selection grade) or Senior Superintendent of Police (National Emblem above two-star)
  • Deputy Commissioner of Police or Superintendent of Police (National Emblem above one-star)
  • Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police or Additional Superintendent of Police
  • Assistant Commissioner of Police or Assistant Superintendent of Police
  • Assistant Superintendent of Police – Two stars (Indian Police Service officer probationary rank on 2nd year of service)
  • Assistant Superintendent of Police – One-star (Indian Police Service officer probationary rank on 1st year of service)

Salary of an IPS Officer:



How to become IAS officer?

Indian Administrative Service (IAS):

To become IAS officer you need to pass UPSC Civil Service Exam.
The UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of 3 stages and they are Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam, and Personality Test/Interview.

UPSC Exam details:

The competitive examination comprises two successive stages:
I. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for Main Examination; and
II. Civil Services (Main) Examination

For details click

For the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) a candidate must be a citizen of India.

Age & Attempts:
a. Minimum 21 years of age (as on 1st August of the year of examination).
b. The prescribed upper age limit is based on the various categories that a candidate belongs to:
General Category: Maximum age – 32 years/6 attempts
OBC: 35 years/9 attempts
SC/ST: 37 years/ No limitation on number of attempts.
Physically Disabled (Blind, Deaf, Orthopedic): 42 years
General Category: 9 attempts
OBC: 9 attempts
SC/ST: Up to age limit
J & K Domicile:
General Category: 37 years
OBC: 40 years
SC/ST: 42 years
PH: 50 years

Academic Eligibility for Civil Services IAS Exams:
The candidate must hold a degree of any University that is recognized by the state or central government.
A degree received through Correspondence Education or Distance Education.
A degree from an Open University.
A qualification recognized by the Government of India as being equivalent to either of the above.
Candidates who have given their final year graduation exam/ waiting for the results can also apply for this exam (but they will be required to produce proof of passing the graduation exam) before the final selection process.

UPSC Online Application Procedure:
The application procedure for UPSC civil services examination has been entirely made online at the preliminary level and UPSC e-admit cards are issued which candidates appearing for IAS exam should download from the UPSC official website.

Click here for more details.

District Collector/District magistrate:
A directly recruited IAS officer undergoes training for the first 2 years. After that, (s)he is posted as a sub-divisional officer in charge of a revenue subdivision[1] in a district. After spending 2-3 years here, (s)he gets posted as an Additional District Magistrate(ADM) to get acquaintance of developmental administration. After this only, (s)he can hope to be posted as a DC in a district, and that too in a comparatively easier and smaller district.

How to become Railway Ticket Collector

Railway Ticket Collector:

Railway Ticket Collector is a group C level post in railway service and eligibility for this post is at least passed 10th standard.
Railway Ticket Collector most commonly known as TC or TTE (Travelling Ticket Examiner)is one among the front line staff of Indian Railways having a first level interface with the passengers.

The minimum educational qualification needed for the post of ticket collector is 10th class pass with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized central or state board. Those who have completed their diploma or 12th class can also apply for the same. Graduates are also qualified for this post provided they are not above the specified age limits.

Age Limit:
The age limit of the candidate must be 18-45 years. Age relaxation is provided for reserved categories like SC/ST and OBC candidates.

How to Apply:
The recruitment to the post of ticket collector is done through Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB)
So to be a ticket collector, one has to apply and appear for the competitive examination in General Knowledge, Aptitude, Mathematics and General English.

On the basis of performance in the written exam, candidates will be called for personal interview. On selection, they will receive a short training of about one month, laid down by zonal railways. During the training period, they will get a stipend.

Details of exam to be added….


Indian Railways Jobs & Recruitment

Indian Railways Jobs & Recruitment:

The Indian Railways have been divided into several zones for the purpose of administration. Zones are divided into Divisions and Divisions to Departments.



Group A: The Group ‘A’ officers are recruited by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Railway officers of the highest rank belong to Group ‘A’.

Group B: There are no special examinations for the selection of Group B employees. Most of them are directly promoted from Group C.

Group C and Group D: Group C and Group D employees are recruited by the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs).
Officers of the lowest rank belong to Group D.

Eligibility For Jobs in Railways Job:
According to Groups different Qualification is required which are as follow:

Group A:
Graduation in any stream (for civil service); Degree in Engineering or M.Sc Degree (for engineering service); Degree in medicine- M.B.B.S (for medical service) from any recognised University. Besides Engineering Service Examination, a Special Class Railway Apprenticeship Examination (SCRA) is also held for the selection of mechanical engineers. HSC or equivalent with PCM, is the minimum qualification for SCRA exam.

Group C:

For Non-Technical Popular Categories(NTPC): Matriculation or Equivalent with 50% marks in aggregate. (Not applicable for SC/ST candidates and for the candidates of any category possessing higher qualification).
For Technician Categories: Act Apprenticeship/ ITI. No other qualification including Diploma in Engineering /BE will be accepted as an alternative qualification. Act Apprenticeship/ITI certificate must be approved by SCVT / NCVT. Scouting/Guiding Qualification as mentioned.

Group D:

Passed Class-10th or equivalent. Scouting/Guiding Qualification as mentioned.

Selection Procedure For a Railway Job:
Selection procedure of Indian railways consists of 4 processes which are:

Written Test: Written Test is conducted in the different examination centers.
Medical Exam: Medical Exam or Medical Test.
Personal Interview:
Merit List

Age Limit:
18-45 years (Relaxation for OBC and SC/ST candidate)

Some of the exams are listed below:
RPF Exams
Some other posts comes under the UPSC.

How to join Officers Training Academy

Officers Training Academy:

The Officers Training Academy, (OTA) a training establishment of the Indian Army that trains officers for the Short Service Commission. The 49 weeks course at the OTA prepares graduates for all branches of the Army, except for the Army Medical Corps.

There are 2 OTA academy’s:

  1. OTA Chennai
  2. OTA Gaya

How to join Officers Training Academy

10+2 (TES) Entry

You can apply after passing your 12th Exams. Minimum aggregate of 70% is mandatory in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. You will be detailed for SSB interview based on the cut off as decided by Recruiting Directorate. Look out for the advertisement published in leading newspapers/employment news in May/Oct every year.

Duration of training for TES Entry is 5 years and details are as under:

  • Basic Military Training: 1 year (Officer Training Academy Gaya).
  • Technical Training: Technical Training will be conducted in two phases:
    • Phase-I: Pre Commission Training for 3 Years at any of the three CTWs (Cadet Training Wings i.e. CME Pune, MCTE Mhow and MCEME Secunderabad).
    • Phase-II: Post Commission Training for 1 year at CME Pune, MCTE Mhow and MCEME Secunderabad. The candidates will be awarded Engineering degree after successful completion of training.

The candidates will be given a stipend of Rs. 21,000/- p.m. (Rs 15,600/- as pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400/-) as is admissible to NDA cadets on completion of 3 years training. On completion of 4 Years training they will be commissioned in the rank of Lieutenant and entitled to pay as admissible to the rank.

How to join Indian Military Academy

Indian Military Academy, Dehradun:

Indian Military Academy is yet another cradle of leadership. The IMA trains you to lead from the front. You are trained in all aspects of combat and tactics using technology and other modern tools and technologies. The IMA has excellent facilities for all-round development. You can go for adventure sports like river rafting, para jumping, rock climbing, trekking and mountaineering. From the IMA, you’re commissioned as a “Lieutenant” in the Indian Army, to go out into the world and live up to the IMA motto – “Valour & Wisdom”.

How to join Indian Military Academy:

There are multiple ways to join IMA:

  1. After clearing UPSC exam i.e, Combine Defense Service Examination (CDSE)
  2. Non UPSC  Entries i.e No written exam required:
    1. University Entry Scheme (Pre Final Year Students Only)
    2. Technical Graduate Course
    3. AEC (Men)

Combined Defence Service Examination (CDSE)

You can take the CDS Entrance Exam conducted by UPSC while you are in final year of Graduation / possess any Graduate Degree. Clear the SSB interview, be medically fit and join IMA as a Direct Entry subject to meeting all eligibility conditions and availability of vacancies. For details of exam dates / Notification visit UPSC website upsc.nic.inExternal website that opens in a new window

Candidates finally selected will undergo Military Training for a period of 18 Months at IMA. Candidates will be enrolled under the Army Act as Gentlemen Cadets. On successful completion of training gentlemen cadets are granted permanent commission in the rank of Lt subject to being medically fit in SHAPE – I. The final allocation of Arms/Services will be made prior to passing out of Gentlemen Cadets from IMA.

The other entries are Non UPSC entries and there is no written exam for them. You are directly called for SSB interview

University Entry Scheme (Pre Final Year Students Only)
This entry is for those of you who wish to apply for Army in Pre-Final Year of Engineering. Look out for the advertisement published in leading newspapers/employment news in May every year.

Selected candidates for UES Course will be detailed for training at Indian Military Academy, Dehradun according to their position in the final order of merit, discipline wise upto the number of vacancies available at that time. Duration of training is one year. Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission or probation in the rank of Lieutenant (Lt.). from the date of their final selection in the case of final year students and from the date of their joining the final year class in the case of pre-final year students. The commission will be effective upto the date of completion of their pre-commission training at the Indian Military Academy.

Candidates during the period of probation will be given stipend at the rate of minimum basic pay of Lieutenant. However the entire stipend will be paid in lump sum only on reporting for training at IMA. From the date of joining IMA they will be entitled to full pay and allowances and other benefits as admissible to regular officers. Engineering graduates who possess the prescribed qualification will be granted one year ante-date for purpose of seniority, promotion and increments of pay.

Technical Graduate Course
Those who are studying in final year/ have completed BE/B Tech in notified streams can also join IMA through Technical Graduate Course. Look out for the advertisement published in leading newspapers/employment news in May/Jun & Nov/Dec every year. Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lieutenant from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at IMA, whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lt during training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after successful completion of training.

Duration of training is one year. Selected candidates will be detailed for training at Indian Military Academy, Dehradun according to their position in the final order of merit up to the number of vacancies available in each subject. On successful completion of training cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lieutenant. Officers may be granted commission in any Arms/Services and will be liable for service in any part of the world on selected appointments as decided by Army Headquarters from time to time. One year ante date seniority from the date of commission will be granted to Engineering Graduates of TGC Entry.

AEC (Men)
Candidates who have passed Post Graduate Degree MA/M.Sc in subjects as per Notification /M.Com/MCA/MBA with 1st or 2nd Division are only eligible. Final Year appearing/Result awaiting students are not eligible. For details of Notification visit Recruiting Directorate Website

Selected candidates will be granted Short Service Commission on probation in the rank of Lieutenant from the date of commencement of the course or the date of reporting at IMA, whichever is later and will be entitled to full pay and allowances admissible to Lieutenant during training period. Pay & allowances will be paid after successful completion of training.

On successful completion of training cadets will be granted Permanent Commission in the Army in the rank of Lieutenant. Officers may be granted commission in any arms/services and will be liable for service in any part of the world on selected appointments as decided by Army Headquarters from time to time.

Duration of training is one year. Selected candidates will be detailed for training at Indian Military Academy, Dehradun according to their position in the final order of merit up to the number of vacancies available in each subject.

Combined Defence Service (CDS)

Combined Defence Service :

19-24 Years Indian Military Academy
19-22 Years Naval Academy
19-23 Years Air Force Academy
19-25 Years Officers’ Training Academy

Tentative Exam Schedule
Notification of Examination – August and March
Conduct of Examination – February and August

Note : Examination held twice a year

Educational Qualifications:
IMA & OTA               -Degree of a recognized University or equivalent
Naval Academy         -B.Sc. with Physics & Mathematics or Bachelor of Engg
Air Force Academy  -B.Sc. with Physics and/or Mathematics or Bachelor of Engg

Candidates appearing at the degree or equivalent examination also eligible to compete. Such candidates will be required to submit the proof of passing the requisite qualifying examination by a date to be specified in the Commission’s Notice for the Examination.

Written Examination Details:

Written Examination
(a)    For Indian Military Academy
Naval Academy and
Air Force Academy
1. English (Objective type) 100 Marks
2. General Knowledge(Objective type) 100 Marks
3. Elementary Mathematics (Objective type) 100 Marks
Total 300 Marks
(b) For Officers’ Training Academy 1. English (Objective type) 100 Marks
2. General Knowledge (Objective type) 100 Marks
Marks for SSB Interviews
IMA, NA and AFA 300 Marks
OTA 200 Marks

Combined Defence Service Exam

Date of Notification: July 16,2016
Last date of reciept of completed Application Form: 12 Aug, 2016
Date of CDS Exam is : 23 rd October, 2016

How to apply for exam:
Candidates are required to apply online on