Citibank interview questions for experienced – dotnet

This questions were asked in Citibank Pune 2016.

  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. Why to use abstract classes?
  3. What are interfaces?
  4. What is polymorphism?
  5. ref vs out
  6. Why c# supports single inheritance
  7. Why to use Var
  8. Design patterns used in project
  9. How to create singleton class?
  10. Is it thread safe?
  11. Why to use object for lock? Can we use integer class?
  12. lock vs Monitor vs Mutex?
  13. Explain MVVM pattern
  14. Prism Framework
  15. How to get second higest salary of an employee
  16. Real time example of Mutex?

Varian Medical System Interview Questions for experienced – Dotnet

1.  What is difference between Abstract class and Interfaces
2. What is virtual and override
3. What is Dependency injection? Use in your project
4. What is prism? Any other framework that you used like prism.
5. What is Extensible framework?
6. How to load assembly without using reflection
7. Have you created any custom controls? How to create them?
8. What are Dependency Properties?
9. How the hierarchy/Precedence is picked.. Say Style has background color = Red and control background color is set to white.
10. What are content template?
11. How to add edit button inside List Box?